
Tenderloin or Fillet

CODE 2454 2150


This cut is located in the sub-lumbar region, bordering the striploin in the dorsal area and the rump in the caudal area.

Sub-lumbar muscles are excised from the ventral surface of lumbar vertebrae, last two dorsal vertebrae and the spinal portion of corresponding ribs, as well as from the ilium, 1st sacral vertebrae and proximal epiphysis of the femur. After the muscles have been separated from the bones, excess fat depositions are trimmed off. It may be prepared with or without its external membrane according to the buyers requirements.

It comprises half of the six lumbar vertebrae, 12th and 13th dorsal vertebrae and the spinal portion of correspondings ribs, 1st sacral vertebrae , ilium and proximal epiphysis of the femur.

It consists of the sub-lumbar muscles, namely m. Psoas major, m. Psoas minor and m. Iliacus.